Little Known Help Zone

Little Known Help Zone: Giving the Children What They Need is my charity, which I founded when I was 14, that provides children and teachers with supplies through partnerships  through advocacy, action, and legacy.

Little Known Help Zone is a charitable organization I founded in 2011 that works within the Americas to partner with local organizations. Major past international projects included delivering classroom tools in Nicaragua, mailing $5000 of Christmas presents to orphans in Honduras, and paid tuition for two impoverished students in Guatemala. Through fundraising, speaking, and advocating, Little Known Help Zone’s pedagogy developed: supplying kids with what they need for educational success.

Little Known Help Zone has made great strides in providing children and teachers with school supplies. Each month, LKHZ partners with a local classroom. In August, I partnered with Ms. Emert, a teacher at Washington Elementary in Allentown for a classroom of low-income, autistic children. I was able to provide her with craft kits for her eight students, paper donated by Astrobright and cleaning items donated by Method. Other sponsorships include Pilot pens and a $1000 supplies donation for future work from Myndology. I have continued to work other classrooms at Washington Elementary, as 93% of their student body live below the poverty line and their teachers spend $500-$800 annually on supplies for their classrooms. See a list of all classrooms worked with here!

I have been honored to advocate for my organization by delivering keynote speeches at the Pennsylvania Keystones Educational training 2015 and PETE&C (Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference) 2016.

To sustain this project, I published a children’s coloring book, Color Creates a Brighter Future. I wrote this book to inspire children to be aware of the world around them, discover the passions, and give back through their own personal service projects. This fun, animal themed book will not only encourage more service in our community, but all of the proceeds will directly return to the Little Known Help Zone classroom project.

To support LKHZ, email, purchase the coloring book, or shop our etsy!

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